Boba Carrier Review

Heather Dessinger

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Boba Carrier Review

I Slow Danced With A Stranger In The Back of A Plane

Well, strangers plural . . . in the aisle between the restrooms, to be exact. Welded together by the Boba carrier, Micah and I waltzed with Mrs. Kind Eyes, Distracted Business Man and Snores Loudly as they squeezed around us into those tiny closets called airplane bathrooms.

Nestled with his ear right next to my heart and with the bold thrumming of windshear all around us, my little man slept as I greeted more than half the planes guests on their way to do business. My sweeping “this one’s unoccupied” gesture was met with an awkward smile and a shrug, but I bet they all agreed that the arrangement was preferable to a screaming baby.

Three years prior I was in the exact same situation with Katie at 7 months, but THOSE people got a screaming baby! What was the diff?

The Boba carrier.

I am not really of the opinion that babies need a lot of gear. My attempt to register at Babies R’ Us during my pregnancy was laughable (there was nothing there that we needed!). But there are a few things I consider essential. Tops on my list is the Boba. I tried other carriers when Katie was young, but most of them left deep, red, angry grooves on my shoulders after an hour or so. In the end I gave up and just carried her everywhere.

And visited my chiropractor very, very often.

My chiro, possibly in an attempt to save me some money this time around, recommended the Boba carrier to me. As if there weren’t already a million reasons to love her, this cinches it.

What Makes the Boba Carrier Unique?

Boba has a leg up on other soft structured carriers, literally. Here’s their story in their own words:

We just had the best idea- foot straps- to get that digging fabric off of little hamstrings, prevent bigger legs from just hanging and just give them a place to rest- just like the rungs we rest our feet on when we sit on a bar stool.

The Boba Story

I LOVE this innovation because it reduces stress on their lower backs, which is especially helpful in reducing fussiness when they have to be worn for long periods of time.

Another thing that sets Boba apart is that the high back that prevents the “pulling away” feeling that sometimes occurs with other carriers. The waist strap is secured by a military-grade safety buckle, so there’s no need to worry about spontaneous releases either.

Best of all, the Boba carrier is adjustable (fits mom AND dad) and is rated for children 15-45 pounds, so I’m expecting to get tons of mileage out of my investment!

Shop for Boba carriers on Amazon.

P.S. I slow danced my baby boy to sleep in the kitchen today. Thanks to my Boba I was daydreaming about dancing with him at his wedding instead of counting the seconds until I could put his 19-pound tushie down.

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Heather is a holistic health educator, herbalist, DIYer, Lyme and mold warrior. Since founding in 2009, Heather has been taking complicated health research and making it easy to understand. She shares tested natural recipes and herbal remedies with millions of naturally minded mamas around the world.